william combes interview

The so-calledMissing Women Inquiry is operating through the very police agencies, including the RCMP, that are responsible for the killing of targeted native women and their families and that have concealed these crimes for many years. Audrey Baptiste states that she saw four boys hanging in a barn, and that one of them never showed up for class the next day. Manyguns offered her condolences and support to the Tkemlps te Secwepemc First Nations upon the discovery of the remains of 215 children, buried at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, asserting, We must face the horror and commit to finding the others who went missing.. The "William F. Moran School of Bladesmithing" bears his name and in . Become a member and enjoy the very best from The American Conservative in print & digital. Another former student, Mary Percival, also now claims that she heard about the burials. Not "Abuse" But Mass Murder! A Memorandum on Genocidal Crimes at the In response to attempts to get additional information about the tooth, the following reply was provided on July 28, 2021, by an archaeology department member: I have been strongly advised by the TteS legal team not to respond to any queries from the public regarding thesearch for unmarked graves in Kamloops. It was asserted that this request had been extended to include the entire archaeology department. Here are the titles in question and how to order them (all cheaply priced at $20 or less): This Canadian plan consisted of a state and church funded program of systemic inter-generational genocide based initially within the so-called Indian residential school system, modeled on a Jesuit program and established with state approval and by Order in Council on July 1, 1920. (14)The same Ninth Circle continues to kill with impunity today including on west coast native lands heavily endowed with valuable resources. There was an outpouring of grief and recriminations in universities. imprisonment and community sentencing of the guilty, the issuing of Genocide survivor and FRD member, participant in Vancouver church occupations. He recounted that, when he was a student at KIRS in the 1950s and 1960s, he had heard stories for years about students who were directed by staff to dig some holes in the middle of the night so that apple trees could be planted, and it was wondered why these plantings never occurred. The problem of trying to get to the truth of the secret burials is made worse by the fact that archaeologists are becoming increasingly concerned about their relationships with indigenous organizations. Sold at Auction: William Coombs - Invaluable And just as teaching that the Holocaust did not occur would likely result in dismissal for academic incompetence, some professors claim that one should be fired for challenging the residential schools (genocide) survivor identity. It is now claimed that the search for the unmarked graves did not occur because of the recollections of the Knowledge Keepers or from finding a juvenile rib bone and tooth, as was stated in the July 15 Tkemlps te Secwepemc press release. Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. Between 2006 and 2012, seven key eyewitnesses and prominent indigenous activists of the ITCCS network in Vancouver and Winnipeg were murdered at the hands of this Directive: Harriett Nahanee, JohnnyBingoDawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson, William Combes, Edna Phillips and Chief Louis Daniels. We are, once again, heading down a path where funds will be dispersed to alleviate problems that are not caused by a lack of money. Do the recollections concern hearsay, or are they eyewitness accounts? , in fact, Finding hidden bodies, believed to have been murdered and buried, is problematic, expensive in terms of human resource and currently has low success rates for law enforcement agencies. It points out that there is a general reduction in geophysical anomaly amplitude with increase in time since burial, so the sooner geophysical surveys can be undertaken the greater the chance of discovery. This means that it will be more difficult to see indications of graves the longer bodies have been in the ground. We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. will apprehend these persons and bring them to trial, and will enforce In this book, Eddy Jules, presumably related to Jessie/Jesse Jules, was interviewed. Instead, a July 15, 2021. by Dr. Sarah Beaulieu, the academic who had undertaken the survey of the area, stated that burials had not been confirmed but targets of interest had been identified with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). As a seven-year-old child, I witnessed myself the burial of a child, and I didnt know what was happening at that time. and state institutions and their property and assets, orders of It is understood by our Court that its decisions, based as they are on British Columbia. On the 10th anniversary of his medical murder after reporting the abduction of ten aboriginal children by Queen Elizabeth in 1964, William Combes was honored and remembered today by his friends and citizens of the Republic of Kanata in Vancouver. Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018), Proof: The Medical Murder of Willam Combes, eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice. According to Rev. Eddy Jules then claims to have seen the janitor throwing a fetus into the furnace. We do Talk Shows Right! Accordingly, it falls on the global community to stand upon international law and bring political and economic sanctions against Canada, the Crown of England, the Vatican and their church and corporate associates for their proven Crimes against Humanity. 10+ "William Combes" profiles | LinkedIn The problem of trying to get to the truth of the secret burials is made worse by the fact that archaeologists are becoming increasingly concerned about their relationships with indigenous organizations. (3) It also served as the launching pad for a general campaign of extermination of the non-assimilatedaboriginal tribes; a campaign that continues to the present time. As a controlled stage show run by the very powers responsible for making native women go missing, the Inquiry is moribund, having released no report of any of its supposed findings in the over two years of its shadowy existence. Vatican and the Crown of England are effectively immune from Profile. He also recounts that a student with a cleft palate was going to have an operation, but years later we found that he was murdered, killed, because he pissed some guy off at the Residential School that didnt like the way he sounded.. 6. tribes by chiefs in the pay of the federal government. He stated that he was horrified by the discovery of the bodies of 215 children at Kamloops Residential School and that as President of the MRFA, I want to express my support and solidarity with our Indigenous colleagues, who are reeling from yet more evidence of the residential school system and its genocidal intent. One of these indigenous colleagues, Gabrielle Lindstrom, a former indigenous studies professor at MRU and now an educational development consultant in Indigenous Ways of Knowing at the University of Calgary, maintained on Twitter that 215 little ones had been murdered at KIRS. Jennifer Yvonne Camille mentions seeing a coat hanger and blood in the furnace room. She is currently working on a manuscript entitled The Woke Academy: How Advocacy Studies Murder Academic Disciplines and Effective Policy Development. As Evelyn Camille pointed out in her statement at the July 15, 2021. about the Beaulieu report, the residential school settlement of billions of dollars is just perceived as [throwing] a few silver coins at indigenous people instead of actually addressing their suffering. She went falling down the stairs and just lay there. The tone and interview style indicate that all stories should be believed. I see that all the time. Eyewitness Harriett Nahanee on the killing of 14 year old Maisie Shaw by Alfred Caldwell, Christmas Eve 1946, (Died suddenly after her arrest and incarceration, February 2007), False record of Maisie Shaws death (circled): Died in hospital Dec. 26 (2 days after her death on a staircase). Then Caldwell kicked her. Where does this Annett fellow get off calling our honorable Prime Ministers drunkards and robber barons? All of them died of foul play at the hands of the Vancouver police, hospital staff, church agents or other unknown parties. of the refusal of courts and governments to bring to justice those who The burials in question would be over 50 years old, when it is, that there are limitations of detecting graves for extended postmortem intervals. One scientific paper in. Hospital on February 26, 2011. He recounted that, when he was a student at KIRS in the 1950s and 1960s, he had heard stories for years about students who were directed by staff to dig some holes in the middle of the night so that apple trees could be planted, and it was wondered why these plantings never occurred. Beaulieu pointed to the tooth and rib bone, depressions in the orchard that correlate with the subsurface anomalies, the east-west configuration of the subsurface anomalies consistent with typical Christian burial traditions, and most importantly the oral histories of the Knowledge Keepers. On this All Peoples Remembrance Day, dont miss our final program of the season. It also appears that some of these Knowledge Keepers are closely related, and they could have influenced the accounts of one another. Jessie saw another priest push a young girl named Patriciaout a window to her death. There is, for example, a clear and direct link between the Thailand and China-based organ and human trafficking industry and the disappearance of aboriginal women in B.C. , Beaulieu also stated that the probable burial anomalies were fairly shallow, between 0.7 and 0.8 metres below the surface, and this fit with the Knowledge Keepers accounts of burying children and the fact that smaller bodies require less soil to be dug up. Art History. Because Covid-19 meant that some of the money could not be spent, Jules suggested that the band should use the funds to look for the kids because she wanted, for her own comfort, to confirm where they are.. William Billy Combes, who was then living a hard life on the streets of Vancouvers Downtown Eastside (he died in 2011), : They want evidence. William Combes, Ten Murdered Children, and the Complicity of "King Charles": Getting Personal and Revolutionary! Roman Catholic Church were directly responsible for the disappearance of Our continuing investigations reveal that many of the men and women who trafficked, tortured and killed children in the Indian residential schools and who are still preying on aboriginal women and children are also members or affiliates of the elite Vancouver Club at 915 West Hastings street. He says that survivors shared stories about the furnace to the TRC. According to Sinclair, Some of the survivors talked about infants who were born to young girls at the residential schools who had been fathered by priests, having those infants taken away from them and deliberately killed, sometimes by being thrown into furnaces, they told us., episode, which should make everyone take pause. In the literature on excavations being undertaken on the basis of GPR, there are many instances of the investigations finding other materials that are buried. , and murdered children in universities across the country. Produced by cloud graphics innovators OTOY along with Star Trek: Picard's production designer Dave Blass, William Shatner: Reflections On The End Of An Era holographically returns the legendary actor to the bridge of the Enterprise from 1979's Star Trek: The Motion . Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crimen Solicitationas,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,Holy See,home rule,ITCCS,Jesuits,Jorge Bergoglio,Joseph Ratzinger,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,Ninth Circle,Occupy the Vatican,Ottawa,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. Issued by the first court to successfully prosecute and convict the Vatican, Canada and the Crown of England for Crimes against Humanity, the Common Law Training Manual is a weapon to educate and mobilize the people to reclaim their freedom from arbitrary rulers and their tyranny. William combes hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy (7), The cabinet Directive in question was issued for implementation by the federal government toEDivision of the RCMP in Vancouver in the first week of June, 1998, just prior to the convening of the IHRAAM Tribunal on June 12, 1998. Annett To make this determination, it is necessary to examine the degree of certainty provided by GPR. Portraying the residential schools as genocidal is at best a distraction; at worst, it acts to disguise the serious educational challenges that face any nation-state trying to incorporate isolated and marginalized tribal cultures into a modern economy and society. Their memory and witness, along with the lives of 65,000 children and those who continue to disappear and fall, will always be honored. He didnt know what it was and then he was going to put it in there, and a baby fell out. Even more strange is the fact, noted in the piece, that former TRC chair Murray Sinclair issued a statement on June 1, 2021, on his facebook, after the discovery at the Kamloops Indian Residential School. In addition, the report calls for citizens in Canada and all nations to commence their own community sanctions against these governments and their churches in accordance with the Nuremberg Principle that compels citizens to neither aid or nor cooperate with proven murderous regimes. Consequently, the period since 1990 has witnessed a rapid escalation of violence against Indians and a return to the brutal methods of the early colonial period. It is the culmination of a twenty year, citizen-led campaign to document, confront and prosecute the deliberate genocide of non-Christian aboriginal people in Canada by the Vatican, the British Crown, the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church. William Shatner Returns To Star Trek's Enterprise In New Video The Woke Academy: How Advocacy Studies Murder Academic Disciplines and Effective Policy Development. This. A march then converged on the scene of William's murder by arsenic poisoning, St. Paul's Catholic Hospital. William and Harry's Engagement Interviews 'Felt Very - MSN Chief Louis Daniels, died suddenly of unknown causes in Victoria General Hospital, May 16, 2010 . AT THE MOUTH OF A CANNONis one mans discovery and personal account of the untold story of the Ahousahts and how their nation and land was seized by foreigners. Kevin Annett William Coombes, a Canadian aboriginal, was to have served as a sworn witness at the September 2011 session of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State as to crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity committed by Elizabeth of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II) Following the Money behind Genocide: Read this Book! the so-called Canon Law, or any form of personal, diplomatic or legal We are told that the three hundred million dollars that has now been released to search for these secret burials must be community led, requiring that they conform to the political demands of indigenous organizations. (2 Corinthians 6:17)For background listen to last weeks program Sovereignty and Re-Formation at this link:https://bbsradio.com/podcast/sovereignty-and-re-formation-october-22-2017See alsowww.murderbydecree.comandwww.itccs.org. It is that backyard war of which we will speak today, and the victims of the war at home who we will hold up now and remember. Catherine, Princess of Wales has described her husband Prince William as a messy pizza eater - but that didn't stop the royal couple from ordering 22 pizzas for a mountain rescue team in Wales. Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,United States of America,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, This Sunday November 12, 2017 on Here We Stand, at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT onwww.bbsradio.com/herewestand. 41 and following in. (8. Kate and William were in Wales on Thursday to meet with the Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team, who help keep climbers and walkers in the area safe. One of these stories, recounted by Annett, claimed that Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip took a group of students from the Kamloops Indian Residential School (KIRS) on a picnic and then abducted them. To a Special Reformation Anniversary Program onHere We Standhttps://bbsradio.com/podcast/oldest-lie-and-greatest-crime-october-29-2017https://bbsradio.com/sites/default/files/audio_dirs/herewestand/Here_We_Stand_2017-10-29.mp3With your hosts Kevin Annett andAndrew Paterson. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv. It also is irresponsible not to point out that burials, even if they are probable, do not necessarily involve human remains. This caused Ignace, when he visited the surveyed site, to go up to one of the 200/215 stakes and make an offering of tobacco and say a prayer. Questions must be asked about how much the circulation of these grisly tales over social media and other fora has influenced the memories of those who attended KIRS. How could so many children have been murdered in residential schools when no killers have been identified? Kevin Annett,Ricky Lavallee,Ritual Murder of Children,Ritual Rape and Torture of Children,Roman Catholic Church,Satanic Ritual Torture,Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses,The International Common Law Court of Justice,Torture,Twelve Mile Club,United Church of Canada,vancouver club,Vatican,William Combes, Issued by the Central Office of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). As a de jure Court and a popular forum to address grievances, Issued September 5, 2017 by the ITCCS Central Directorate with the endorsement of elders of the Anishinabe, Mohawk, Cree, Metis, Cowichan and Squamish indigenous nations across Canada, and also by the ITCCS affiliates in Canada, USA, Ireland, England and Serbia, For the general catalogue of evidence and testimonies regarding past and present Genocide in Canada seewww.murderbydecree.com. Analyzing the Tkemlps te Secwpemc/Kamloops Indian Residential School moral panic.

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With the ongoing strong support and encouragement from the community, for some 10 years now, I along with others have been advocating for and working to protect the future sustainabilty of Osborne House.

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Historic Osborne House is one step closer to it mega makeover with Geelong City Council agreeing upon the expressions of interest (EOI) process that will take the sustainable redevelopment forward.

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Just to re-cap: CoGG Council voted in July 2018, to retain Osborne House in community ownership and accepted a recommendation for a Master Plan to be created. This Master Plan was presented to Council in August 2019 but was rejected because it failed to reflect said motion of elected councillors.

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At the CoGG Council meeting of 25th February 2020, councillors voted unanimously to accept the recommendations of council officers regarding Agenda Item 4: Osborne House