thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequences

Afterwards, you will have to choose whether or not to keep certain Nilfgaardian reforms regarding discrimination against nonhumans in place. If he plays a Venendal Elite, you will have to eliminate that first so that you can target him, however. If you have both Rayla and Isbel in your party, you may want to refuse to help. Cross the bridge and approach the gates of Kaveldun for a scene. Once your board is almost full, use the Lyrian Horn and then use a Blacksmith to play it again. Use a Fortitude Tonic on Gascon and end your turn. Continue for a scene where you'll promise to help some settlers. Therefore, it pays to spend gold to acquire wood. Use the recruitment post here and make a note of the nearby shrine. After victory you will receive the Muzzle trinket and you will have to make a choice as to whether to allow the liberated slaves to join your army or not. Collect any nearby loot before crossing the bridge. Your War Wagon and Regimental Drummer units are useful for boosting the Wagenburg and the strength of the Arbalest units' attacks. Since the Ancient Foglet should also be taking fire damage you should now be able to eliminate it either with a Sapper or by using the Lyrian Hajduk to recharge the Wagenburg. Force your men to clear it and take the hit to your army's morale. Not bad, but probably not good enough to take the place of other units that you're using regularly. If they do summon a blitz unit, they will summon another unit as well. Grab loot as you make your way south towards the fast travel point. A short way north you'll find a rubbish pile that you can examine. Return to the fast travel point and head south. You will also learn that Gabor was witness to the massacre of a rival clan and did nothing to prevent it. You will encounter a new enemy unit, the Nilfgaardian Interceptor. Since you need to be able to damage the enemy directly, your most valuable units are Arbalests, along with your War Wagon to help boost row numbers so that their attacks hurt. Here's a solution: Afterwards, you will receive the Valmir's Horn trophy. Before pursuing them, grab some nearby loot and talk to the old man fishing to obtain a third card fragment. If there is a Barghest alive, the Beast gains the immune attribute meaning that you cannot target it. Return to the main path and wade southeast through the swamp for another monster battle. If you decided not to hang the deserters earlier, you will find that a bunch more recruits have deserted, taking a chunk of your resources with them. Your units will now have 11 and 6 HP. Destroying the Light Infantry will charge up your Onagers as well as damaging enemies. Go east from your starting location to find an inn with with a recruitment post and fast travel point a little further along. Stray of Spalla (Human)When deployed, damage a unit by 5. As before, turn back and use scouts on the map to locate any loot that you may have missed. Arf! Meve: Rivian Broadsword (Weapon)Every 5 turns, damage an enemy unit and all other enemy units with the same power by 4. The Jade Figurine has 10 power but is destroyed when damaged. Grab a bit of loot as you follow the winding path. This ability can result in a major boost to your overall strength. When you reach a fork go west. If you investigate the house afterwards, you can choose to have the suicide inside buried. Use one to kill the Rotfiend you attacked in the past two turns. This is a spy unit which you can neutralise with the Decoy card or a Forager. Continue east for a scene. Although the path forward is southeast, go northwest first to find a recruitment post, some loot and a golden chest (1/9). You will meet the leader of the Scoia'tael, Eldain. If Villem is with you, aid will be granted, including unlocking the new unit type. From the signpost, walk a few paces southwest to find the dig icon that marks the location of a golden chest (8/9). Caldwell should be deployed between two cards that you wish to add to the field of play, allowing you to pick them from your reserve deck and play them immediately. Some peasants will entreat you not to carry out the measures stated on the false decrees that the Nilfgaardians have been distributing. This is a standard battle and is very much optional. Place an Arbalest on the melee row and attack the 4 HP Elemental. Needless to say, Eyck can become a beast when you're using the Manticore Trophy and is pretty decent even when you're not. As ever, the way to deal with them is to destroy enemies (or, perhaps, deploy spies between them). Eyck will also join your forces permanently. Deploy the War Wagon. You'll be subjected to row effects so Lyrian Pathfinders are good. Leave the ravine. When you come to a fork in the road, go north. Go down the hill and follow the path east and around to another fortified camp. This is a pretty big bonus making a couple of them in your deck a must-have. Besides doing damage, snowballs will cause damaged units to swap rows. Take the western path first and approach the Leshen for a battle. Isbel is a good card to save for the second round since the enemy destroying the gate on round four will give her a huge boost. I'm going to lose a character, 2. Arbalests are decent as well because you can use them to take out spies that the enemy deploys (they're weak and can prevent Gascon from taking damage). Every limb destroyed will damage the head by 6. Go through the gap in the western wall to find a golden chest (4/10). Grey Rider + (Human, Field Support)Gains 3 power. Approach the platform overlooking the valley for a scene and examine the nearby stone obelisk for a letter. Fortunately, you can use this to power up Eyck and/or Isbel. Shortly you'll come to a recruiting post. The gate will open allowing you to grab two piles of loot (and see the site of the earlier massacre). This prevents it from spawning endless Harpy Eggs. You will have a conversation with Gascon - reply how you like. If you choose not to spend it, you can restore your army's morale to neutral shortly. This is a standard battle. The location marked on the treasure map is close to the fast travel point northeast of Crumhorne. Thx for the guide. Continue northeast to come to a graveyard. Use a third Splish Splash card and take another three swigs. Head west into Abbot's Farm and read the notice board. The enemy commander has nothing special up his sleeve and you should have no trouble emerging victorious. Even better, it can prevent the enemy from deploying one of its units since it occupies a space. Way better than the Fortitude Tonic, that's for sure! You'll find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Continue south and grab the bit of loot to the west of the path. At some point, the enemy will bring the commander onto the field. As usual, you don't want the Manticore Trophy because of all the extra Harpies that it creates. Spend 250G to bury the dead and raise your army's morale. above his head. His deathwish ability is to strengthen all other Skellige units in the deck by 2 so you can use this to your advantage. Go through the gate and examine the building. Sounds good. Southeast of the fort is a shrine which you should make a note of. Unlock the nearby fast travel point and grab any nearby loot that you may still be feeling the need to obtain before going into the inn courtyard. Return to the fork and go west to read the notice board then follow the quest marker to the north for a scene. You need to eliminate Falbeson without letting Gascon or Reynard die. Don't use the Mahakam Ale trinket because you have no way of recovering it and it will boost the enemy for the remainder of the battle. Your goal is to avoid Meve dying. and no armour. When the enemy has played two Alpha Wolves both will have no armour and one will have 9 strength. When you reach the end of the path, the game will give a summary of stats for this chapter. Pay her 75G to receive a card fragment. Forager (Human, Field Support)Destroys the unit to the right and boosts this unit by the destroyed unit's power. This could be useful, but it has a high unit cost and to be useful at all requires that one of your units is destroyed. If you let the Rivians in Mahakam leave rather than handing them over to the dwarves, you can talk to the man at the top of the town to receive 2500G or a morale boost for your army. Play the Rivian Sapper and destroy your two Light Infantry. Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. A suggested order of upgrades is as follows: The Watchtower allows you to spend 50 gold to reveal undiscovered loot locations. Since most enemy units have more than 9 HP by this point in the game, you might prefer it over the Flail. Afterwards, you will be in battle again. If you order him to be killed, Isbel will leave your company. Use the second Saboteur on the Spotter at B1 and move Gascon up to B1. You've also got one battle in which to use it and in that battle you don't want to destroy enemies. You can choose to kill him, let him go or press him into service. Place the Forager to the LEFT of the Slinger. Play Raymond into the melee row to give the Drummer an additional charge. Continue northeast for a scene of the local peasants enacting a rather grisly ritual. Talk to the guard when you're ready to proceed. Gather the after-battle spoils and make your way north a short distance to enjoy the view and pitch camp. The enemy commander has an ability that strengthens every unit he deploys by 2. The commander will spam Slave Infantry which can pull other infantry in from the graveyard. If it's on the melee row, the stongest will be attacked. Continue east to reach the point of no return. Use Meve's ability to ensure that an Arbalest is at the top of the deck and summon it to the melee row using the Drummer. Use the Manticore Trophy, Pit Traps and Slingers as well. Use the final Volunteer on the Spotter at A1 and move Reynard up to A2 and victory. Before continuing south, go west and round until you come to a cave mouth. After the battle, you will have another conversation with Demavend. After the battle you have a choice of whether to hang Falbeson (increasing morale) or show mercy (reducing morale). Read the notice board and approach the Arachas in the centre for another puzzle battle. In addition, their strength is also rather low, although they have lots of armour. Encounter Type: Shortened Battle. If you're using the Lyrian Banner trophy, it will be of little use in the upcoming battle so replace it with something else. Mahakam Ale (Trinket)Every turn, boost a random ally on each row by 2. Walkthrough TBA Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. The upcoming battle will have a requirement of killing a boss which makes Alzur's Thunder and Dazhbog Runsetones excellent trinkets to use. Talk to one of the men three times to receive some wood. Two cards are critical to winning this fight: the Frozen Giant who gets a boost to power equal to the damage done to Meve and Professor Blastwave who drops 2 Blast Balls on deployment that have a deathwish ability that damages your opponent. It's a 30-hour long RPG that employs Gwent:. An enemy Warmonger will destroy one of your Drummers and the inn will disappear leaving behind two Warmongers with 7HP each. If you follow the path east, you'll come across a spiked pit blocking your way. Use it to reveal the final golden chest for this chapter (9/9). Given the unit variety at your disposal, this is not a hard battle. Continue south for a brief scene At this point, you will complete the tutorial, unlocking the I'll Show Them trophy. Spend 250G to give the dead a proper burial to increase army morale. Go north from here to a dead end with some loot. However, due to what is presumably a bug, summoned units don't get to use their deploy abilities making the Gheso Footmen rather useless. Not really worth a place in your army. Eventually you'll come upon the dwarven leader, Brouver Hoog, fighting a Shaelmaar. Move all units between rows and damage all enemies by 2 and boost all allies by the same amount. If you look on the noticeboard, you will see that your own (truthful) propaganda is beginning to replace that of the Nilfgaardians. Play the War Wagon on the melee row. Afterwards, you get to decide the envoy's fate. Use Scorch to destroy both remaining enemy units. This ability becomes an Order ability rather than one activated on deployment. You'll find that you're on the other side of the blockage. Make your way to the end of the ravine, picking up loot along the way, and examine the cave mouth at the end. Continue south. You will also have to worry about the Elven Archer/Swordmaster combination. However, it is not good if you need the deathwish ability of the enemy unit to trigger: if you use Artefact Compression on a Verendal Elite, for example, a bunch of enemy units will be left with the immune attribute. You will pass an abandoned camp with a group of people picking through it. Do not be alarmed since this charges up Eyck and Isbel. Interact it with it to have a golden chest appear (1/10). Instead, backtrack east a short distance and speak to the individual with the blue cap. Take a moment to have a look at your cards. You have two units with 5 strength in your melee row along with a Decoy with 8. Ignore the Nilfgaardian camp to the east for the moment. This is a large undertaking so if I missed anything please let me know in the comments, and obviously there will be SPOILERS, stop reading if you care about that. This will inflict 4 HP damage to all enemy units. Allowing them to join will gain 80 recruits at a cost of 1600G. Xavier can do this twice. You may also want to remove units that damage entire rows. You will find a letter among the after-battle spoils. Use Black Blood and boost the 107 strength Drone at C6 by 18. There's a new and annoying card for you to worry about: the Hawker Smuggler that will summon cards from the enemy deck. You may choose to attack the garrison or not. Place a Slinger in your ranged row and select the three Scythemen. The Hag will usefully destroy herself. You only have three cards, so your choices are simple. You should be able to get rid of them by combining a Pitfall Trap, Gheso Arbalests and the Flail. Go into the enclosure with the pumpkins and look for a dig point to reveal a golden chest (5/9). No choice actually results in you obtaining wood. If its charges fall to 0, you will lose the battle. Thronebreaker biggest flaw: The difficulty : r/gwent - Reddit Go across and continue east. Remember to add the Decoy card to your deck. Instead, wait for Gernichora to move them to the ranged row whereupon they will start draining her. Go north to come to a broken bridge and spend 50 wood to repair it. Return to the ice and go all the way right to find a dwarf fishing in the lake. Choices and Consequences Guide :: Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Play a Lyrian Hajduk to the LEFT of the Alchemist and use Meve's Longsword ability on the Alchemist. Every three turns, the tail destroys the leftmost enemy on the melee row. Scepter of Storms (Trophy)Damage the lowest enemy unit by 2 and repeat until charges are depleted. You are assisted by Mahakam units which have the capability of pushing enemy units back. Afterwards, collect loot and examine the notice board to find some black propaganda. Use Meve's command ability on the Arbalests. There will be a puzzle battle here if your relations with the Skelligans are not good. All the chests will be visible on the map view (so you don't have to remember where they are). Paying 400G for the wood depletes your gold by a further 250G. Units made available by the Engineers' Drafting Desk are rather better than the Alchemist's Laboratory while the ones made available by unlocking the Armory node are merely OK. Having capacity for a fourth trinket is not bad, particularly if you add a bunch of Lyrian Blacksmith cards to your deck. Reynard Odo + (Human, Blitz)His deployment ability of recharging units' Order abilities becomes a loyal ability as well. Grab the loot when you're done. Your goal here is not to eliminate enemy units but rather outscore them. You'll find a rather satisfying letter among the after-battle spoils. The Ointment can ensure that this doesn't happen. Here's a solution. Whether it's an improvement depends on your playstyle. Your goal is to get all your units to the other side of the field without letting any of them die. Read the notice board and look just south of it for loot and a recruitment post. You want to have neutral morale at the end of this chapter. You're done here so go back east and then take the bridge south. Head east from here to find a shrine and some loot. Tainted Ale (Trinket)Boost a unit by 10. The boss here is a Rabid Forktail. What's not to like? Not so useful when you need to damage enemies, however. At least it's an opportunity to see a couple of units that you won't otherwise get to fight: Skelligan Raiders damage a random enemy on the opposite row by 3 each turn while Dimun Warships spawn Torrential Rain on one of your rows. Your goal is to boost one unit to 125 strength. Choose to intervene to learn the long list of the gnome's crimes. Your goal is to eliminate all foes. Continue west to unlock a fast travel point. Later in the battle, your enemy will start deploying spy units. Your enemy has the Cliff on her Ranged Row. The Solution is: up-up-up-right-right-down-right-up-right-right-down-down-left-left-down-right-right-right-right-up-up-up. This is the courthouse which is still housing prisoners. Victory will earn you the Mahakam Ale trinket. He will play lots of units that support each other and that damage your units. March the infantry back up. Approach the Werewolf for a battle. Eyck of Denesle (Human)His strength grows by 1 every time an allied unit is damaged. From here, fast travel to the sign post outside the cemetery. When you do battle, all your units will have a -1 modifier applied to their stats. For reasons that I won't reveal here, you may not want to keep her after this chapter so I suggest that you roleplay these. The enemy will play Falbeson's Guard units. Use Longsword on the units that you want to keep alive. Walk around the ruins and go up the channel to the northwest. Again, there can't be a step-by-step because this is essentially random. Doing so is required for a trophy. Thronebreaker was released in October 2018 for Microsoft Windows, on 4 December 2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in January 2020 for Nintendo Switch, and in July . Go to the Mess Tent and talk to any of your remaining lieutenants - everyone has something to say for themselves. Examine the tent in the southwest corner for a letter. If you have Eyck in your army, you can obtain 250G and a card fragment at no expense. Return to the main path and cross the bridge. Use the Aretuzan Adept to add more of them to your deck and you can easily outscore most opponents. It is obtainable as a reward for My Enemy's Enemy quest. Read the notice board, use the recruitment post and grab any loot lying around. When you come to a split in the path, make your way south. Return to the gate that you ignored earlier for a scene. Approach them for a battle. Attack a different Barghest with each and the Hag will destroy them, replacing them with 5 HP versions. This is a standard battle. When you find all three fragments, you will add a trinket to your deck. Go west through the gate, read the notice board and pick up the loot lying around. The optimum amount is 500G. Gather the spoils from the battlefield and make your way east towards Falbeson's estate. Light Infantry are a danger to your units if you destroy them which is why I suggested the deck alterations above. In the west of the village is a grave of a dead Nilfgaardian which you can loot for gold and a morale boost or leave undisturbed at the cost of army morale. Go back the way you came and cross the bridge leading east. You have space for another trinket (even though you don't have a second one yet) and by upgrading the Royal Tent, you can add slots for an additional two. You have a choice: Whatever your choice, you will gain the Lyrian Merlot trinket. Since your morale should be in the green, it's worthwhile to do so. If the druids from earlier are accompanying you, don't choose to make a sacrifice to the marsh gods. You are then presented with a choice that has consequences: Since recruits aren't really a scarce resource, the first option is the optimal one. You will have to go around the structure here to gain entrance. Go north and help yourself to the contents of the woodpile. Your goal is to destroy all enemy units. There's nothing special about this battle. You can choose to drive them out, but you will lose Isbel if you do. After the battle you will find a golden chest (8/9) along with a letter among the after-battle spoils. If you play this on a row with more than six cards in it, you will not be able to deploy one or more of the infantry. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales beginner's guide | VG247 You will be subjected to Impenetrable Fog so a Lyrian Pathfinder will be useful. Gascon will trick the guards into opening the gate. Afterwards, continue east, retrieving a letter from another obelisk. This is a good opportunity to aim for the I Have the Power! You should aim to kill low strength units. Place one in the top row and attack the 8 HP Rotfiend for 7HP damage. You will probably get the necessary number of units destroyed during the second round. If you have Eyck with you you can get 1000G at no cost. Return the way you came and take the path south at the fork. Return to the Hag's Pit and make your way south and west across the next bridge. Further west you will come to another obelisk. Placing traps on the enemy rows can make this process automatic. Their ability now becomes an order ability (rather than deployment) and will damage each affected unit by 3. Your goal is to eliminate Gernichora. Return west through the swamp and when you get back onto the path cross the bridge to the southwest. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Review - Nintendo Life Note that you can repair the morale loss with a nearby shrine. Go past the soldier and continue northwards picking up loot from the remains of battle until you come to a cave mouth. Follow the path to the end to find a trader who will trade wood for gold or vice versa. The choice is bugged to all heck: requisitioning the wood simply loses you morale. Place the other War Wagon in your melee row. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Examine the structure next to it to discover the scene of a mass execution. You have a bunch of damaging trinkets in your hand and two allied cards on the board. Head northwest and collect a letter from the notice board. To gain charges you need to place units either side of it. You need to get rid of the Hawker Transport as soon as possible. They become really good when you promote them through camp upgrades since the chance of inflicting damage on each turn doubles. If you do decide to kill the dragon, you will receive the Keltullis Trophy and a chunk of gold. Your goal is to eliminate the She-Troll while keeping all your units alive. The goal here is to eliminate the Ancient Foglet while keeping Meve alive. The turn after playing them, you can either use your cards to duel your opponent's cards or to damage your opponent directly by their power. Typically useless in the first round of a battle these cards summon a random ally from your graveyard (i.e. Continue north to find the place where the humans sell goods to the Scoia'tael. Unlock a fast travel point and go southwest for another battle. Note that if you don't have the necessary cards in your reserve deck, you've wasted the ability. Otherwise aim to outscore your opponent with units like Lyrian Cavalry and degrade enemy units with your Slingers. Continue past them to the point of interest to the northwest for a battle. If you make at least two choices that please her, she will stay. There are several piles of loot to be found here along with a letter on a body in the centre. After the battle, unlock the fast travel point. Examine the Nekkers' nest in the middle. Assuming you didn't surrender your advantage earlier, you will be able to summon two units from your hand and will get to go first. Unlock the sign post and head northeast. Return to the eastern gate to the city and read the nearby notice board. Gheso Arbalest is a card in Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. Use the Drummer's ability to summon another Drummer and lay it next to the existing one. You want a Lyrian Pathfinder in your hand to avoid being placed at a disadvantage by Biting Frost. You will want to pack your deck with Strays Cavalry and use the Lyrian Banner trophy so that Meve can use her Flail ability more often. After the Hym's turn, it will have 15 HP and your units will have 14 and 6. After three turns, Gascon will turn up with reinforcements for you. Deploy a Sapper, destroy the remaining Nekker and damage the Alghoul. Use it to destroy three drowner units. Use Alzur's Thunder. You'll receive a new weapon for Meve. If an Archespore reaches the enemy ranged row, it will be destoyed.. If you examine the collapsed tent, you can recover a treasure map. Continue along the past the shrine. Otherwise, it will be damaged. You can choose to attack a Nilfgaardian caravan or let it pass. Go west from here to find a golden chest (5/10). Get the wood from another nearby woodpile and 10 recruits from the nearby recruitment post. When you open a chest, the game autosaves.

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thronebreaker my enemy's enemy consequences

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With the ongoing strong support and encouragement from the community, for some 10 years now, I along with others have been advocating for and working to protect the future sustainabilty of Osborne House.

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Historic Osborne House is one step closer to it mega makeover with Geelong City Council agreeing upon the expressions of interest (EOI) process that will take the sustainable redevelopment forward.

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Just to re-cap: CoGG Council voted in July 2018, to retain Osborne House in community ownership and accepted a recommendation for a Master Plan to be created. This Master Plan was presented to Council in August 2019 but was rejected because it failed to reflect said motion of elected councillors.

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At the CoGG Council meeting of 25th February 2020, councillors voted unanimously to accept the recommendations of council officers regarding Agenda Item 4: Osborne House