fairies and dragons in mythology

King Arthur had been trying in vain to deal with the dragon, and he enlisted Carantocs help after he found the altar miraculously floating on the river. On the whole, however, the evil reputation of dragons was the stronger, and in Europe it outlived the other. Disease and miasma, which were particularly associated with marshes and fens, could be embodied as sinister, lurking creatures. Fortunately, these dangerous fire-drakes are quite rare. Calling a powerful supernatural being by its real name was considered disrespectful, so humans referred to fairies in euphemistic terms such as the Good People, the Gentry, the Shining Ones, and the Neighbors. The first is the northern, Germanic dragon that flies through the air on powerful wings and breathes fire when provoked. jules d'An. It is said that it will be freed and devour all those not faithful to their respective deities in Samal mythology. Fairy dragons are a more recent Dragon Type. One day, a youth called Assipattle rowed out to meet him with some burning peat in a bucket. // -->